Thank you for your interest in applying to be a member of Maggies: Women in Leadership. See below for information regarding the application and Selections process. All emails will be sent from Please direct your questions here as well.
Selections 2025 Timeline:
Tuesday, March 18th Informational 1: ILCB 205 @8-10pm
Wednesday, March 19th Informational 2: ILCB 205 @8-10pm
Thursday, March 20th Applications due by 5:00pm
Sunday, March 23rd Email notification of interview eligability
Sign-ups for interviews will be online
Monday, March 24 - Thursday March 27th Interviews (Dress: Business Casual)
Sunday, March 30th Email notification of coffee shop & social eligibility
Sign-ups for both will be online
Monday, March 31st - Thursday, April 3rd Coffee Shops (Dress: college casual/what makes you feel confident)
Monday, April 7th Social 1 (Dress: what makes you feel confident
Thursday, April 10th Social 2 (Dress: what makes you feel confident)
Friday, April 11th Final decisions sent out via email
Diversity and Inclusion Statement:
“It is our intent that women from all diverse backgrounds and perspectives be well-served by this organization, that people feel welcomed and respected by this organization, and that the diversity that people bring be viewed as a resource, strength, and benefit. It is our intent to be respectful of diversity of sexual orientation, ability, age, religion, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, culture, perspective, and other background characteristics through our actions and words.“
Mission Statement:
“We, the women of Maggies, strive to be strong women of character, and to be catalysts for positive change that evoke, cultivate, and pursue diverse passions. We inspire and challenge one another to be the best versions of ourselves. It is our mission then to impact our community, equipping others with the same self-efficacy that has taught us that we are not just here, but here for a purpose.”
Application Questions and Resume Instructions:
Please respond to the following 3 prompts on a maximum of 2 pages. Any content after the second page maximum will not be considered. Please use double-spacing, 1 inch margins, and 12 point Arial font. Please put your UIN in the top corner of every page.
What has shaped your voice?
What are you reclaiming?
The world needs my _____.
In addition to your question responses, please submit a one-page resume. You may put your name on your resume. Resumes will only be used by Maggies to assist in the interview process, it will not be taken into account when scoring your written application.
Additionally, we ask you to please modify your resume by referencing social organizations by a generalized description instead of a proper noun. For instance, if you were to include an experience in a sorority or FLO, you would refer to it as “sorority” and “FLO” instead of referencing the specific name of the organization in which you participated. If you have any questions about this, please email
Submit Application
A confirmation email will be sent out within 10 minutes of submission, If you do not receive an email confirming your application send us an email and further steps will be provided at that time.